2011 Meeting Highlights

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CVMC Meeting —May 17, 2011

Thanks to Cory and Cindy for arranging our meeting location at Anthony's Italian Restaurant in Mechanicsville.

Yes, most members found the location on time, but some of us who trusted our GPS took an extra 25-mile ride under a double rainbow and we arrived about a half-hour late.

Meeting highlights:

We discussed the recent memorial services for Mike and Lucinda, and how much the flowers and expressions of sympathy from club members have been appreciated by Marilyn, Dick and their families.

Christi provided a treasures report.

Thad and Pat volunteered to host the June 21 meeting and lead the June 25 rally. Rich and Cheryl volunteered to host the July meeting and rally. Gill and Ann have also invited us to a special July 2 drive and picnic at their place on the river. Gill will lead the drive and we will have “heavy hors’d’ovres. We will be asking for your RSVP about a week in advance of the July 2 event in order to get a head count for food planning. Information on all these events will be posted on our web site.

We still need volunteers to host the August meeting and/or rally. Don’t be shy. Jump in and share the fun.

The meeting adjourned at about 8 pm.

I hope to see all of you at the rally and upcoming events.

All the best,

Bud Deihl
President, CVMC


Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology VCU Medical Center
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